14th International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group

Annual Meeting

Yokohama, Japan

Scientific and Educational Program

Scientific and Educational Program

We have prepared a multidisciplinary program covering many topics, including: 

- Physiology of the thymus at different stages of development and pathogenesis of thymic diseases
- Thymic carcinomas - how do they differ from thymomas?
- Novel strategies in thymic tumors - what's on the horizon?
- When, why and how to biopsy a mediastinal lesion?
- Treatment options for pleural metastases.

- From history to the future - from Professor Masaoka's classification to innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of thymomas - targeted therapies, proton radiotherapy, AI-supported digital technologies in the diagnosis of mediastinal tumors.

- The clinical-radiological-pathological TUMOR BOARD

On the last day we additionally plan:

- NEUROLOGY WORKSHOP designed for all conference participants regardless of specialty, during which we will better understand the practical aspects of diagnosis and treatment of neurological autoimmune diseases accompanying thymic tumors

- Meetings of ITMIG Committees, to which we invite all ITMIG members to think together about the future strategy of our Society 

Click on the day of the week below for more details

October 30th, 2024

Scientific Sessions
Oral Abstract Session 1
Welcome Reception

October 31, 2024

Scientific Sessions
Oral Abstract Session 2
ITMIG Gala Dinner

November 1, 2024

Neurology Workshop
ITMIG Committee Meetings
JLCS Gala Dinner